Membership Meeting to be Webcast; Coupons Offered to Members
MURFREESBORO, TENN. -- The Board of Directors of the Walking Horse Owners’ Association (WHOA) recently met at their headquarters in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The four-hour meeting included discussion of the upcoming convention, member benefits, the new National Horse Show Commission contract, the 2006 budget, and committee assignments. David Pruett, the recently-elected president, began the meeting by welcoming WHOA’s two newest directors, Don Hancock of Kentucky and Ty Irby of Alabama. Executive Director Tommy Hall informed the Board that 25% of the ballots mailed were returned in the last election.
The WHOA National Convention, scheduled for February 17-18, will be held in Murfreesboro. The agenda for Friday, February 17 includes a Board meeting, a seminar on bitting and shoeing by Bobby Richards, a general membership meeting, and an awards banquet for year-end pleasure, versatility and academy awards. On Saturday, the WHOA Youth Association and the pleasure committee will hold meetings with the National High Point Awards Ceremony being held that evening. The Board decided to broadcast Friday’s general membership meeting on the internet. “We realize that our members are all across the country and it is impossible for most of them to attend the meeting,” comments Pruett. “We are trying to accommodate that need and work harder to communicate with our members.” The meeting will be held at 1:00 CST and a link will be provided on WHOA’s website,, for those wishing to view the meeting.
A great deal of discussion at the meeting centered around WHOA member benefits. In the next couple of months WHOA will debut a printed newsletter, inserted in the Walking Horse Report, as well as an email newsletter. When amateur cards are mailed this year, members will also be receiving hundreds of dollars of coupons, available exclusively to WHOA members. The Board also voted to continue the WHOA directory in its CD-ROM format. Printed directories will also be available on request for a minimal fee to cover printing and postage.
Copies of the new National Horse Show Commission contract were distributed with the 2006 WHOA budget. The contract allows for WHOA and the Walking Horse Trainers’ Association to continue operation of the NHSC for the next three years.
The next meeting of the WHOA Board of Directors will be held during their annual convention on Friday, February 17. The Board will elect a Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer at that meeting as well as approve committee assignments.