The fourth annual WHOA-TWHBEA Youth Camp was held June 14-18 on the beautiful campus of Montverde Academy in Montverde, Fla. The weather was very hot but that did not stop the 27 campers in attendance from having a great time. Instructors Alice Klein, Sara Womack, Leigh Bennett and Carol Wakefield were on hand giving guidance on riding etiquette and general horsemanship. The campers had a fun filled week including a trip to Sea World along with swimming each day and night time events.
Montverde Academy provided 14 lesson horses for this year's camp along with boarding facilities for participants and volunteers staying the week. Food in the Montverde Cafeteria was wonderful and Chef Richy, Jessie and Brandi made everyone feel at home during meal time each day.
The final day of camp featured a horse show for campers to show off skills learned during the week. L & M Awards of Shelbyville, Tenn., sponsored the ribbons for the show and MannaPro provided each camper with a tote bag full of goodies which everyone enjoyed. Jason Bachert of Grover, Mo., did an outstanding job as judge for the day.
Special thank you to all the volunteers that help make the camp successful each year. Diane McMurtrey assisted every day and also provided her great horse, Pay At The Pump, for kids to ride during camp and Farrah McAlexander was also great help during the week. Fellow camper Carson Wells also shared his beloved mount, Shadow On The Mountain, for lessons and instruction.
On Wednesday campers were treated to an exhibition by Extreme Cowboy Champions Tracy Pinson and her horse, Tuff. Tracy also graciously offered campers the opportunity to ride this talented stallion and personally autographed a picture for each participant in attendance.
WHOA Youth Coordinator Dee Dee Sale did an outstanding job making sure camp ran smoothly and everyone had a great time. WHOA Pleasure Horse Coordinator Sis Osborne was also a great help during the week as always and rounding out the WHOA staff in attendance was Marketing Director Mark Taylor. A special thank you to Kasey Kesselring, Toni Specht and Montverde Academy for all their help each year making this camp possible.