Due to less than anticipated enrollment for the Youth 12-17 Camp, the decision has been made to combine the two age groups into one camp as in previous years. The finalized camp dates are June 14-18 at Montverde Academy in Montverde, Fla. Four Certified Riding Instructors will be on hand working with the kids on riding etiquette and general horsemanship along with many other fun youth activities.
"We are concerned about fewer older kids participating this year, however, we are excited to have so many new younger kids enrolled in camp. I would like to thank Montverde Academy for hosting our camp for the fourth consecutive year," said Mark Taylor, WHOA Marketing Director. The 12-17 campers should arrive at Montverde Academy Campus on Sunday, June 13 and camp will officially begin Monday morning, June 14.
For more information contact Dee Dee Sale at 931-580-6647 or Mark Taylor at 615-494-8824.