The WHT Give Back Program volunteered their time and horse expertise at the Great Strides Therapeutic Riding Club.
Great Strides provides opportunities for physically challenged children to ride and interact with horses.
The horses reside at Old Plank Stables in Bell Buckle, Tenn., and it is a wonderful facility and atmosphere for the riders, volunteers and horses.
The group of trainers arrived with a donation of enough cases of water for the volunteer workers for the rest of the summers sessions and they also brought a generous donation of much needed fly spray that was donated by Bedford Tack Bell Buckle, TN. These were two items on a "wish list" that Great Strides informed them was needed.
It was a wonderful time of bonding with the children and meeting all the volunteers that work so hard
each and every week to keep this program going.
The WHT Give Back Program is continuing to schedule volunteer events within the Bedford County community as an opportunity for the association to give back to Bedford County.