The Walking Horse Trainers’ Association (WHTA) has posted an opening for its office manager position. The WHTA will begin taking applications immediately. Interested applicants should send their resume to the WHTA at PO Box 61, Shelbyville, Tenn. 37162.
Applicants will be required at a minimum to be a high school graduate and should have a working knowledge of Quick Books as well as be proficient in popular Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel and Publisher.
The office manager serves under the direct supervision of the president and board of directors of the WHTA. The office manager helps to develop strategies, goals and objectives to accomplish the mission of the association. A detailed job description can be obtained by contacting the WHTA office or a board member.
All applicants will be required to list their last two places of employment as well as two professional and one personal reference.
New Office Hours
Beginning January 12th the WHTA office will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10AM-1PM CST. The change in office hours will be ongoing until further notice from the WHTA office.