By Kasi Hensley
FRANKLIN, Tenn. - The WHTA Show Committee held their annual luncheon on Friday, December 4, 2009 at the Cool Springs Marriott. In attendance were Marcia Allison, Ross Campbell, Howard Hamilton, Sherry Johnson, Benny Johnson, Buist Carr, Bill and Dee Cantrell. This committee is in charge of the WHTA National Trainers Show.
Dee Cantrell called the meeting to order with four items on the agenda. The first being item of business was affiliation. A discussion was held regarding SHOW as well as the possibility of other HIO's. Marcia Allison brought up the point that “We’re having it at their (SHOW/Celebration) facility”. Then Bill Cantrell said, “We’re under contract for three more years.”
The second item was the date of the show, which has already been agreed upon as March 17-20, 2010. The discussion of the class schedule was decided to wait until a later date to finalize. The last point of the meeting was the dedication of the program which was also tabled until they meet again.
With the changes of the fee structure within SHOW for the 2010 season the committee had several discussions on what would be the best option for the show. The group decided to draft a letter regarding all their concerns for clarification as well as documentation. “Y’alls show is the first of the year and sets the tone for the whole season,” said Dee Cantrell. The meeting was then adjourned.