David Williams sent his letter of resignation the Walking Horse Owners' Association (WHOA) on July 31, 2014. Williams currently also sits on the executive committee of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' & Exhibitors' Association (TWHBEA).
Below is Williams letter:
To President Dee Dee Sale, Executive Director Tommy Hall and honored members of the Walking Horse Owner’s Association Board of Directors.
With a heavy heart I submit my resignation from the WHOA Board of Directors.
I have enjoyed my time on the WHOA board and have learned to see facets of the business of this breed with new eyes and have come to appreciate segments of this breed more than I have in the past.
Although, I never always agreed with many of the actions of the board, I supported them for the betterment of WHOA.
The latest announcement by President Sale with regard to WHOA joining the American Horse Council has not set well with me, both in the way it came about and the attitude the American Horse Council has had toward our breed as a whole.
The WHOA board was never informed until after the fact that negotiations were going on and the AHC has accepted WHOA into its membership at a yearly cost to WHOA of $5,000. An anonymous sponsor is said to have paid the remaining $2500 for this year in behalf of WHOA.
The American Horse Council has publically demoted our breed and has highly promoted the passing of the PAST Act which would be highly detrimental to all Tennessee Walking Horse shows.
To give this organization $5,000 a year to continue to demote our breed, especially without a vote from the board on this matter, is a lack in our fiduciary responsibility as a board of directors for the entire membership of WHOA.
I have regret with this decision mainly because many had voted for me and felt I could make a difference. I’ve never been much of a quitter. But for many reasons, including the one above I cannot continue with my responsibility as a director.
I have many friends on this board and I wish all the board members well. I would also like to add that the hard work of Tommy Hall does not go unnoticed and he is the reason WHOA is surviving today.
Respectfully Submitted,
David W. Williams