FRANKLIN, Tenn. - The Walking Horse Trainers’ Youth Council held their Dec. 4, 2010 meeting at the Cool Springs Marriott. The four members that met for the meeting included: President Lindsey Landrum, Vice President Cory Green, Jessie Barnes and Alex Way. Karla Landrum and Joyce Marie Green were over the meeting.
The youth started with approval of the minutes from the last meeting held during the 2010 Fun Show. Remarks were then made from President Landrum concerning the success of the membership drive.
After a brief discussion of old business, members moved on to several new items for the 2011 season.
The main fund raiser of the WHTA Youth is the Trainer's vs. Trainer's Basketball game. This yearly event will be held February 19, 2011 at the Shelbyville Recreation Center in Shelbyville, Tenn.
A large discussion was then held on ideas to increase the participation at meetings. The members have decided to start monthly on-line chat meetings every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00p.m. More information will follow for members as to how this will be implemented.
Every year the WHTA Youth donated money to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Cory Green made a motion to donate $1500 to the hospital and Alex Way seconded the motion.
Alex Way also made a motion for the Youth Council to cover the expenses for the Laser Tag function for the attending members. This motion was voted on and passed.
Joyce Marie Green gave a brief discussion on the High Point categories for 2011 and the participation in each division. Due to the decline in participation, the Youth made the decision to change the Youth Lite Shod division to the Youth Country Pleasure. Members made a motion and the categories have been changed.
The last item of business for the Youth was a discussion on how much money should be given for this year’s scholarship. The group decided to wait until the completion of their largest fund raiser to see how much money they would have for the year.
Christmas gifts were given to President Landrum and Vice President Green for their hard work in the association. After a delicious dinner of pizza the meeting was adjourned. Members headed off to play Laser Tag before the WHTA High Point Awards Banquet.