Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) have once again introduced legislation that would amend the Horse Protection Act and change the way Tennessee Walking Horses, Racking Horses and Spotted Saddle Horses are inspected. The bills from both senators mirror those introduced by each in the previous Congress.
Senator Alexander, along with Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced legislation that would eliminate the current system of competing HIOs and form a single, independent HIO that is charged with enforcement of the HPA. The single, independent HIO would utilize objective, science-based inspection protocols to ensure the welfare and compliance of horses competing. The legislation, S. 1161, also would not alter the equipment currently used in competition as studies, such as the one conducted by Auburn University, have confirmed that the equipment utilized does not harm the horse in any way.
The PAST Act, S. 1121, introduced by Senator Ayotte along with 11 of her colleagues follows the agenda of the Humane Society of the United States and eliminates most if not all of the competitive divisions of the breeds affected. The PAST Act eliminates the use of any weighted shoe, pad, wedge, hoof band or any action device.
The PAST Act would also eliminate all HIOs and utilize the USDA for complete enforcement of the HPA.
To read the full text of Senator Alexander's S. 1161
click here.
To read the full text of Senator Ayotte's S. 1121
click here.