SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebrationsm has long looked for suggestions to control the summertime heat in Calsonic Arena. A solution to the problem may have been found in the neighboring state of Kentucky.
The Celebrationsm has placed an order for nine extremely large fans from Delta T Corporation of Lexington, KY. Delta T has championed new technology in air movement for large buildings that makes a huge difference in comfort.
“When we say big, we mean big,” said Celebration Director Charles McDonald. “These fans have 24-foot blades and operate on electric motors that draw no more electricity than a 60-watt bulb. It’s truly amazing technology that moves incredible amounts of air.”
The fans will turn at a relatively slow 41 revolutions per minute but create airflow of 337,774 cubic feet per minute per fan due to the size of the blades and the new “Powerfoil” technology in the actual shape of the blades.
“We’ve gotten reports from other facilities that have used these fans that the ‘effective temperature’ to the body is reduced by about 15 degrees,” continued McDonald. “If we’re able to re-create that in Calsonic Arena, we’ll all be very happy.”
The company stresses that the opposite effect comes into play in the winter, as the fans will help make the building warmer by moving the heated air away from the ceiling.
There will be nine total fans installed, six over the seating areas along the north and south sides of the arena and three down the center of the warm-up area. Precautions will be taken to mount the fans so as to not create a “shadowing effect” on the ground level as the blades rotate.
“We’ve gone over the air conditioning numbers time and time again,” said Celebration Chairman John T Bobo. “Our initial costs will be much lower than air conditioning and the operating costs will be next to nothing compared to $25-30,000 per month for air conditioning.”
The entire cost of the project, including installation and wiring, is $71,000. Most importantly, it will be complete in time for the 2006 Celebration.
“Finding a way to make Calsonic Arena more comfortable in the summer has been something we have worked hard on for years,” added Bobo. “We certainly hope we’ve hit on something here that will make a major difference for everyone who comes into the building.
The new giant fans will join forces with the 16 fans already in use. The first use of the new fans will be during the Wednesday morning performance of the 68th Annual Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebrationsm in Shelbyville.