The Cavalry Group calls out Rep. Whitfield for HSUS partnership in new Horse Protection Act amendment
Last week Congressman Ed Whitfield (R-KY) introduced H.R. 1518, "The Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) of 2013" to amend the Horse Protection Act.  Written by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS),  the usual willing accomplices in Congress have already signed on to co-sponsor this animal rights driven legislation. 
While it claims to regulate the Tennessee Walking Horse industry, Congressman Whitfield's bill imposes an onerous regulatory scheme that will harm the horse industry as a whole, not only in Whitfield's state of Kentucky, but all across the nation.
Contrary to what HSUS represents, the current self regulation system for the Walking Horse industry is coordinated by USDA, known as the DQP (Designated Qualified Person) system.  From 2009 to present, DQPs have successfully regulated Walking Horse shows and have sited participants three times more than USDA at the same shows. Accordingly, the system is working and does not need further intervention from USDA.
HR 1518 sponsor, Ed Whitfield is not only misinformed, but his expertise on this issue is questionable given the fact that he has a glaring conflict of interest since his wife, Connie Harriman-Whitfield is a senior paid executive at HSUS who is driving this effort.
HR 1518 is NOT about animal welfare -- it is about regulating the horse industry out of existance through unreasonable rules and enforcement as evidenced by HSUS' recent regulatory efforts on American egg producers, pork producers, and the pet industry. 
At a time when sequestration has forced cut backs for the USDA inspection of our domestic food supply, it begs the question as to how USDA can justify additional spending to further regulate horse shows. 
Mark Patterson, CEO of The Cavalry Group stated, "The American people must wake up to the scam that is being perpetuated by the Humane Society of the United States. They are an animal rights, vegan extremist group which seeks to destroy animal related industries and they are doing so by imposing unreasonable regulatory reform by using highly charged emotional propaganda."