SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – Suggestion Boxes are a common sight around the Historic Celebration Grounds. Hours are spent each year going through suggestions made by fans and exhibitors from all across the country. While not everything suggested can be accomplished right away, those things that can be done will be done.
Case in point is a project on the docket for completion prior to this year’s world championship horse show…air conditioning in the warm-up area dressing rooms.
“This is something we were looking at already because of the suggestion box,” said Celebration Vice Chairman David Howard. “But it really moved up on the priority list when a member of our advisory council told us (in no uncertain terms) at our Fun Show meeting how important this was to complete.”
Late August and early September at The Celebration can see daily temperatures easily reach deep into the 90’s and the nights can be hot, sticky, and muggy. Because of those undeniable facts, the Celebration board felt this suggestion and follow-up request was more than reasonable. The board’s recent action will give our exhibitors an opportunity to get dressed and prepare for the showring in conditions somewhat less than a sauna.
“I really think our exhibitors will find this to be a very positive upgrade,” Howard remarked. “But it will also benefit the exhibitors that come to Calsonic Arena for shows of other breeds throughout the year. We’re gonna crank down that thermostat until they tell us it’s too cold!”