SHELYBVILLE, Tenn. – Dr. Doyle Meadows, CEO of The Celebration announced entry numbers for this year’s event. Pre-entries for the 72nd Annual Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration are 3,210 with over 1700 horses for the 183 classes slated to answer the gate call.
“With the economic downturn our country continues to experience, and the issues being experienced in the equine world in general, we expected a drop in total numbers, but it is extremely gratifying to note we were only down 200 entries,” said Meadows. “We want to express our gratitude to the owners, trainers, and exhibitors from across the country that help to continue to make The Celebration one of the premier championship shows in the equine world.”
Class splits will be announced the first of next week.
Several new classes were added to this year’s schedule to align the show bill with SHOW’s revised classes and to also follow the trends in the walking horse industry. “We are extremely happy to see the strong support we received for the new classes added this year,” stated Eakin.
Ticket purchases can be made by calling 931-684-5915. More Celebration information can be found at