Tuesday Night at the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration means that we’re getting closer and closer to handing out those roses once again. A couple of sets have already been awarded in the Yearling and Equitation divisions, but championship competition truly gets underway on Thursday evening.
Tonight’s schedule, which features 12 classes of competition, will be highlighted by the Four-Year-Old Walking Mares, Show Pleasure Walking Stallions, Owner-Amateur Riders on Three-Year-Old Walking Stallions and Young Trainers on Walking Stallions.
The judging panel for the 75th Annual Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration includes Rollie Beard of Lewisburg, Tenn., Derek Bonner of Mooresboro, N.C., Jamie Bradshaw of Union Grove, Ala., Allen Forman of Thomson, Ga., and Leigh Stuart of Alvaton, Ky.
Promptly at 7 p.m., the historic gate swung open and welcomed official flag horse Counterfeit Dollar and Bud Seaton to the track with our nation’s colors.
The invocation for the evening was given by Rev. Jeff Rasnick of First Baptist Church, Shelbyville, Tenn., followed by the singing of the National Anthem by Leah Boyd of Murfreesboro, Tenn.
With that, it was time to call the first class of the evening, class 119, Four-Year-Old Walking Mares (Canter) (Riders’ Cup). Four of the nine expected made their way to the track as Rollie Beard called the gaits. Making the first victory pass of the night was Ruby Lipstick and John Allan Callaway up for Don Bulluch, Jr., of Bell Buckle, Tenn. This win was preceded by 2013 wins at the Bedford County 4-H Show and the Tony Rice Horse Show and strong reserves at the National Trainers’ Show and Spring Fun Show. Always In Style and Mickey McCormick were reserve for Harbert Alexander of Jackson, Tenn. Silver Fog and Jimmy McConnell was third for Mary Medina of Skillman, N.J.
Class 120 featured the Owner-Amateur Riders on Walking Mares or Geldings, Five Years & Over (Canter) with eight entries making the call to work for Derek Bonner and his panel. Walking down victory lane was Out On Bond and Maria Bobo up for Thomas Derickson of Wartrace, Tenn. This made Out On Bond’s second World Championship of the 2013 Celebration as she and trainer Herbert Derickson captured the 15.2 & Under Mare title on Monday night. She’s A Shady Sister and Lee McGartland were reserve for Mike and Lee McGartland of Ft. Worth Texas. Cash Lined and Kenny Smith rounded out the top three for Molly Smith of Manchester, Ky.
Owner-Amateur Riders on Two-Year-Old Walking Mares or Geldings was up next, class 121, with 19 of the 34 programmed entries working down the hill to show for the judging panel, led by Jamie Bradshaw in this class. Walking away with the win was The Phenom and Robin MacDonald riding for Bruce and Robin MacDonald of Atlanta, Ga. With this win, coupled with Robin MacDonald’s win in 2006 with Jose’s Special Edition, they retired the Bonnie Mae Clark Memorial Challenge Trophy and the Dr. John S. Derryberry Memorial Challenge Trophy. Beyonce’ and owner/exhibitor Jackie Whatley of Tampa, Fla., pulled in for the reserve honors. She’s Title Bound and Gail Walling were third for McDonald and Walling of Wartrace, Tenn.
Park Performance Walking Horses, Five Years & Over (Riders’ Cup) was up next with 11 of the 18 on the books making the call to work for Allen Forman and his panel. Making the blue ribbon ride with the approval of all five judges and the Monday night crowd was Hello Dollar and Link Webb up for D.R. Mozeley of Charlotte, N.C. This made win number seven for the Webb/Hello Dollar team. The Moonshine Man and Clay Sanderson pulled in for the red streamers for Robert Cunningham of Talladega, Ala. Undecided and Wayne Dean picked up the third award for Christmas Creek Farms, LLC of Montverde, Fla., and Shelbyville, Tenn.
Class 123 featured the Owner-Amateur Riders on Walking Ponies, Mares or Geldings with 13 of the 19 on the official Lions Club program beating the clock to work as Leigh Stuart called the gaits for the class. When the work was complete it was The Lady’s Man and Maisie McSwain wearing the blue and making the victory ride for Dan and Elaine McSwain of Gainesville, Ga. This team was reserve in this class in 2012 and had a great 2013 season with wins at Panama City Beach, Fla., and Watkinsville, Ga., and collected reserve honors at the Spring Fun Show. Inception and owner/exhibitor Detha Broom-Yoder carried the red streamers back to Ooltewah, Tenn. More Horsepower and owner/exhibitor Jannie Chapman of Owen’s Crossroads, Ala., accepted the third award.
Show Pleasure Walking Stallions (Riders’ Cup) was up next, class 124, with seven of the 14 expected making their way down the hill to show off their best walking ways as Rollie Beard served as lead official in the section. The kings of the ring tonight in this class were none other than King Of The Jungle and Charlie Green up for Nester Stewart of McMinnville, Tenn. Chillin The Most and Link Webb were reserve for Steve Mozeley of Charlotte, N.C. He’s Starbucks and Suzanne Moore was third for Bud Moore of Catherine, Ala.
Class 125 brought the Owner-Amateur Riders 50 & Over on Trail Pleasure Walking Horses, Optional Tack down to the track with 14 of the 15 expected making the call to work for Derek Bonner and his staff. Making the winning ride in the large class with a unanimous decision of the panel was Bel Air and owner/exhibitor Kathy Anderson of Shelbyville, Tenn. This marked their seventh win of the 2013 season. Bedazzled By Jazz and Lisa Baum pulled in for the red streamers taking them home to Shelbyville, Tenn. Shine Like A Diamond and owner/exhibitor Anne Frank of Christiana, Tenn., accepted the yellow streamers.
Class 126A, Owner-Amateur Riders on Three-Year-Old Walking Stallions brought 11 of the 14 expected down from the warm up area in Calsonic Arena to work for World Championship honors in the division under the watch of Jamie Bradshaw and his panel. Garnering the blue in the class was the team of Epic and Megan Davis up for Shamrock Farms, Inc. of Cincinnati, Ohio. This win was added to a strong 2013 resume that included wins at the Spring Fun Show and the Woodbury Lions Club Show and reserves at the National Trainers’ Show, the Row McLaughlin/Greg Maupin Benefit Show and the Columbia Spring Jubilee. I’m A Title One and Jason Myatt pulled into the second position for Jerry Myatt of Alvaton, Ky. An Eclipse and Janice Fostek were third for Joe Fostek of Roanoke, Va.
Owner-Amateur Riders on Three-Year-Old Walking Stallions, class 126B, featured six of the 13 on the program working down the hill to show for Allen Forman, his panel and the Tuesday night crowd. Riding to the top of the division with a unanimous decision of the judging panel was the reigning Two-Year-Old Amateur World Grand Champion I’m Mayhem and Sue Ann Dowell riding for Jo Ann Dowell of Powell, Ohio. Their 2013 resume includes wins at the Columbia Spring Jubilee, the Tony Rice Horse Show and the Marshall County Horse Show. Brain Power and Debbie Eichler were reserve in the class for Rising Star Ranch of Shelbyville, Tenn. He’s A Heavy Hitter and Charles Stivers were third for Glendon Stivers of Manchester, Ky.
Class 127 brought the Owner-Amateur Riders on Walking Mares or Geldings, 15.2 & Under down the hill with 12 of the 25 programmed entries beating the clock to work for World Championship honors in the division as Leigh Stuart served as call judge. Picking up her second blue of the night, Robin MacDonald was in the winner’s circle this time after making a great performance with Rocky Mountain Sky riding for Bruce and Robin MacDonald of Atlanta, Ga. With this win, coupled with her 2006 win with It’s Taboo, this team retired the Dr. J. Daniel Bateman Memorial Challenge Trophy. She retired the Challenge Trophies in the other class tonight as well. I’m Stan The Man and Dr. Lynda Brogdon were reserve for Ben and Dr. Lynda Brogdon of Tallahassee, Fla. Lindsey Lohan and Kim Butler were third for Bruce Butler of Morehead, Ky.
Young Trainers, 35 Years & Under on Walking Stallions (Riders’ Cup), class 128, was up next with eight of the 19 expected working down the hill as Rollie Beard called the gaits. Riding to the winner’s circle, just as they did in 2012, were Absolute Proof and Bill Callaway riding for Ricky Young of Boaz, Ala. With this repeat win, the team retired the Carl and Etta Edwards Memorial Challenge Trophy. The American Patriot and Justin Harris were reserve for the Anthony Joseph family of Columbiana, Ala. The Titlebout and Derek Monahan rounded out the top of the class for Rom Folger of Dobson, N.C.
The final class of the Tuesday evening performance was class 129, Owner-Amateur Novice Gentleman Riders on Novice Walking Mares or Geldings. Fifteen of the 22 on the official program made that final trip of the evening down the hill to work for Derek Bonner and his panel. Riding out of the Novice division tonight were Confederate Jose and Chad Adams taking the top honors back to Goldsboro, N.C. I’m Moonlighting and owner/exhibitor Robert Deutsch took the reserve honors back Carolina way as well taking them back to Greensboro, N.C. Lolita and Kimble Tew were third riding for Blackburn, Dilday and Tew of Franklin, Tenn.
Another evening performance of the 75th Annual Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration was complete and only one more evening of preliminary competition remained. The Wednesday night schedule will be highlighted by Fine Harness, Owner-Amateur Riders on Three-Year-Old Amateur Mares & Geldings, and Open Specialty Stallions. Then, we move on to handing out the roses on Thursday night leading up to the Three-Year-Old World Grand Championship. Memories will be made…see you then.