It was with great sadness that Walking Horse Report learned of the untimely passing of World Champion Dance All Night, the 2012 World Champion 15.2 & Under Mare owned by Terry and Lisa Smith of Huntland, Tenn.
Dance All Night had been under the care of Dr. Jim Baum since the 2013 Celebration for Equine Colitis X. She improved and relapsed several times until it was decided to humanely lay the six-year-old mare to rest.
Dance All Night was by The Black Night Shade out of a Jazz Man mare, the product of Joe Martin’s breeding program. She caught the eye of Frank and Rita Hudgens of Franklin, Tenn., as a coming two-year-old and they placed her at David Landrum Stables under the direction of Tim Smith. There the mare was shown in both the amateur division by Rita Hudgens and the open division by Smith and enjoyed many show ring successes, culminating in a world championship in 2012.
The Smiths fell in love with and purchased the mare in late 2012, and enjoyed watching Robert Cortner and Tim Smith share the reins of this classy show ring star, earning 10 blue ribbons in 12 outings during 2013. The Smiths would like to thank Dr. Baum for his excellent care of Dance All Night during her lengthy illness. They will miss her greatly and remember her always.

Tim Smith and Dance All Night earned the 15.2 & Under Mare World Championship at the 2012 Celebration.

Robert Cortner and Dance All Night make their debut appearance at the 2013 National Trainers’ Show.