Fine Harness Multi-World Champion Lined Royal Cash passed away on July 7, 2022. Lined Royal Cash, foaled October 9, 2009, by Lined With Cash out of Royal Master’s Miss a direct Pride’s Royal Master mare, held the record of most Fine Harness wins at the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration at the time of her death.
Lined Royal Cash was one of those special mares that loved the Fine Harness class. She wore the harness attached to the Fine Harness buggy like a lady attired in a long evening gown. Lined Royal Cash possessed that extra show sparkle as she carried a high majestic headset accompanied by a deep-walking backend which produced a great big dazzling show gait.
Besides the Celebration, Lined Royal Cash won many high point awards, Trainers’ awards, Reader’s Choice awards and TWHBEA awards. She won the TWHBEA Mare of the Year for several years.
Wilsene Moody Kwok purchased Lined Royal Cash as a filly. While looking over several mares, Wilsene stopped by her stall. Lined Royal Cash laid her head on Wilsene’s shoulder capturing Wilsene’s heart. Their bond grew exponentially. Lined Royal Cash nickered to Wilsene every time she entered the barn. According to Wilsene, she understood every word Wilsene uttered to her, and she would point her nose to indicate where she wanted her carrots.
Lined Royal Cash can never be replaced because in Wilsene’s words, “She was perfect.” Wilsene has just undergone her 20th surgery in the last 10 years. At the time of Lined Royal Cash’s death, Wilsene was recovering from the last surgery. Finally, Wilsene can talk about the deep loss she has experienced through the death of Lined Royal Cash. Wilsene is so very grateful for the excellent care given to Lined Royal Cash by Bobby McNatt Farms and Dr. Steve Mullins.