The Foundation for the Advancement and Support of the Tennessee Walking Show Horse (FAST) surprised everyone by navigating their way through the non-profit maze quickly and effectively receiving their non-profit 501(c)(3) determination sooner than expected. FAST has been fast at work, carrying out their mission of helping the Tennessee Walking Show Horse industry with grants that have been requested by several groups.
“We have big plans for 2010,” said Kathy Zeis, Secretary/Treasurer of FAST. “We want to be able to assist new shows by putting together an assistance program to help train new and old show personnel in putting on a profitable, entertaining Tennessee Walking Horse show. FAST believes that the future of our show horse and the show horse industry will be determined by the success of our one-night horse shows and by the civic and charitable groups who hold these shows to fund their different civic and charitable projects. We are looking for volunteers to help train show personnel and donations to help new shows reach their goals.” Please contact FAST, Inc. via our web site or call or e-mail us to see how you can sign up to mentor a new show or help an old one,” concluded Zeis.
“The foundation has had a remarkable start, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the contributions that we have been able to make to improve the industry in a relatively short time,” said Kasey Kesselring, FAST Vice-President and Chair of the Grants Committee. Among FAST’s contributions thus far:
• $1,200-SHOW HIO-Educational clinic for DQP training with SHOW and USDA
• FAST co-sponsored the Owners Liability Clinic with WHOA and SHOW at the 2009 Celebration
• $10,000-SHOW HIO-Judges training clinics and seminars
• $1,500-Cascade High School for Wartrace Civic Enterprises Horse Show
• $10,000- SHOW HIO-Rule book revision and printing
• $2,000-SHOW HIO-USDA Shoeing Clinic with walking horse farriers, expenses paid for Dr. Turner to attend
FAST has set aside funds for Youth Scholarships for 2010 and the FAST scholarship application can be found on the web site. FAST will be taking applications beginning January 1, 2010. The deadline for scholarship applications is June 1, 2010. If you would like to make a donation to ensure the funding of these scholarships, please make your donations today.
“In order for us to continue to be effective, we need to continue to raise more capital,” said Kesselring. “We will be launching an annual fund appeal very soon with the hope that industry supporters with consider FAST when allocating charitable dollars. In addition to the annual fund appeal, interested donors can also make an immediate contribution directly through the FAST web site.”
FAST will continue to pursue their goals of protecting, promoting and preserving the Tennessee Walking Show Horse with your help and donations. Please visit us at or on Face Book. Join with FAST today to help us ensure the future of our wonderful Tennessee Walking Show Horse in all of its diverse show disciplines.
FAST’s mission statement is to engage in fundraising initiatives to provide financial support via tax deductable donations for the advancement and support of the Tennessee Walking Show Horse in the areas of education, equine welfare, the promotion and preservation of the Tennessee Walking Horse shows and exhibitions, preservation of the breed and scientific research and development.
FAST is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and donations are tax deductible. You can visit the FAST web site at