By Christy Howard Parsons
Copyright WHR 2006
At the annual meeting of the Walking Horse Trainers Association, Wink Groover was elected to the role of President of the WHTA.
In a subsequent interview with President Groover, he said he was appreciative of having been elected, but was apprehensive as he had “a large job ahead.”
“My goal is to unify the horse industry. I am here all week to meet with all the key people in the industry to try to get on the same page,” said Groover.
“So much has happened in the past. I have been around a long time, but I can’t be concerned about the past. I have to put that aside, and move on from this day forward. I want to reach out to everyone and look towards our future,” explained Groover.
“We must have two things in this industry. First, we must have unity. That doesn’t mean we must let others run over us, but we absolutely must have unity. Secondly, we have to be positive and conscious of the public in every decision we make from here. I bring a fresh enthusiasm to encouraging change in the business,” said Groover.