EDISON, Ga. - The Georgia Walking Horse Ladies Auxiliary hosted a trail ride and bar-b-que lunch on Nov. 20, 2010 at Dapady Ranch in Edison, Ga. There was a total of 73 horses on the ride! It was a melting pot of breeds, mostly Tennessee Walking Horses and Quarter Horses, but there were also Fox Trotters, mules, Paso Finos and Arabians.
It was perfect weather for the trail riding, leaving out at 10:00am and returning around lunch. The hard-working members of the GWHLA had prepared a home cooked meal and desserts for the trail riders.
There was also a raffle with many nice items in an effort to help raise money for the 2011 show, along with door prizes that were given out after lunch.
The riders enjoyed a sunny sky and afternoon ride as everyone worked together to make it a smooth running event. The GWHLA will be planning another ride at Dapady Ranch in February 2011. If you were unable to attend the November trail ride, we invite you to make plans to attend the one in February. More details will be published as soon as they are available.
The officers of the 2011 GWHLA are Mandie McFay, President; Paige Edwards, Vice President; Kelley Wilson, Secretary and Joy Geske, Treasurer. These ladies encourage everyone to join the GWHLA and help support the Walking Horse industry in Georgia. You can contact Mandie McFay at Neonsflashycash@yahoo.com or 229-255-7279 if you have any questions or are interested in becoming a member.
It was a beautiful afternoon for a trail ride at the Dapady Ranch.
Owner of Dapady Ranch, Tom Doal, led the way.
GWHLA President Mandie McFay was all smiles on this successful trail ride.
A total of 73 horse & rider teams made their way through the trails at Dapady Ranch.
Anna Toal and GWHLA Vice-President Paige Edwards enjoyed the ride.