by Jennifer Maack-Condren
Blue Ribbon Tally:
4-J Land & Cattle - 8
Jim Huffman Stables - 7
Don Bills Stables - 6
Jerry Manes Stables - 3
Anne Hardin Stables - 3
Brad Huffman Stables - 2
Campbell-Nichols - 2
MARSHFIELD, Mo. - The ShowMe Arena, just outside of Marshfield, Mo., was the setting for the Heart of America Walking Horse Spring Classic, June 5-6. A total of 131 entries were presented for Judge Travis Craft of Crofton, Ky., to tie during the 35-class show. This year’s show was reduced to two days from the usual three days with the new location. Karen Skopec served as show manager, and with the assistance of Secretary Mae Maack, Angie Kirk and Susie Graham running the office, both evening performances went off without a hitch.
Southwest Missouri is challenged at best for locations to hold an indoor show. Although the stalls were limited, the centralized location of the ShowMe Arena required only a few to need overnight accommodations. Many compliments were given to the new arena and kudos go out to the group that turned this rodeo arena into a society show ring including Brad Huffman, Ted Nichols, Donna Huffman, Mae Maack, Karen Skopec, Glenn DeGraffenreid and Jennifer Condren.
Ringmaster duties were split by Doug Maack on Friday night and Ron Denney on Saturday night. Amber Maack and Denise and Jennifer Downey assisted in center ring. Announcer Steven Buus did an excellent job at the microphone, assisted by his wife, Sheila, who provided the music for the event. Floyd Hampsmire and Donnie Daugherty performed the DQP duties at the HAWHA affiliated event.
The largest class of Friday night’s performance was the final class of the night and eight entries made the gate call for the Open Specialty class. It was great to see this many entries take to the rail in Southwest Missouri. When the judge’s card had been turned in, it was determined to be a ladies night out as Tamee LeNeve-Heiman and I’m Bob Hope beat out the competition in the class. Margaret Hickman earned the reserve tie in the class aboard Jose’s Strider for 4-J Land and Cattle Co.
The final gate call on Saturday was for the Open Walking Horse class and Announcer Stephen Buus brought the four contenders in individually for their performance. Each fine entry was well-backed with a cheering section. Brad Huffman directed PJ’s Pusher to claim the blue and the title for Dean Scott of Strafford. Don Bills and I’m Bob Hope received the reserve honors for the Don LeNeve and Doug Heiman families.
Show officials, trainers, exhibitors and spectators were certainly pleased with the caliber of entries presented at this show and felt it was a success. The Heart of America will now begin work on their fall show, which will return to the Springfield location in late September.
Complete results follow and can be viewed by clicking here.