Editors Note: This letter was sent to the Walking Horse Report from Sandra DuBose to update the condition of William Way.
Letter to the Editor: March 21, 2006
I want to give an update on William Way, the 14 year old son of Jack Way of Tuscaloosa, AL. William was hospitalized on Dec. 26, 2005 at UAB Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, AL. A large tumor was removed from the frontal lobe of the brain and test results came back as a very rare kind of malignancy called Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid tumor which is found mostly in children under 5 and is found in less than 1 % of all brain tumors. Further tests revealed malignant cells in William’s spinal fluid, but thankfully not in his kidneys.
William began an aggressive treatment with massive doses of chemotherapy and has now completed three rounds. He has had to be hospitalized several times due to fever/infections and has had several blood transfusions. He takes daily injections of a very expensive medication to build his white cell count.
An MRI was performed again on William and there was no return of the original tumor. This encouraged William and his family.
Radiation therapy is the next step in William’s treatment. He will have 5 days a week of treatments for a six week period.
William’s stem cells were harvested and stored to be used at a later date. Also, his baby sister, Mary Frances, had her stem cells harvested from her umbilical cord and placenta and sent to Florida for storage. After William finishes his radiation, plans are to give William near fatal doses of chemotherapy and “rescue” his life with his own stored stem cells, and possibly those of Mary Frances. This stem cell transplant will take approximately 6 weeks of inpatient care at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham.
Friends of the Jack Way family have set up the William Way Fund to give each of you an opportunity to help with the many expenses connected with the treatment for William. Donations (current and future) may be sent to: Am South Bank, 2330 University Blvd,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 with checks made to William Way Fund.
Cards and letters may be sent to: PO Box 3253, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403
On behalf of the family, I want to thank each of you who have already donated to this family, to those who have called or to those who have sent cards, and a special thanks to each of you who are remembering William and his family in prayer. Please continue to pray for them. Please also pray for William’s mother who is hospitalized with cancer.
Thank you in advance for the acts of kindness and generosity which I am certain will come from you. May God richly bless you for your help during this time of need.
San DuBose
11588 Hwy 18
Vernon, AL 35592 205-695-6302