November 1, 2006
Ms. Christy Howard Parsons
Walking Horse Report
730 Madison Street
Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160
RE: Neal Holland / Unification Task Force Letter
Dear Christy:
The Report’s October 2, 2006 publication contained a news article regarding a letter Neal Holland had sent to me, requesting the TWHBEA meet with the Unification Task Force. The article indicated that I had not responded.
I had responded, by letter dated September 22, 2006 to Mr.Holland and I had hoped that he would inform you of my response upon receipt. Since it has now been a little more than a month since the date of my response, and no correcting information has been printed, I feel it would be of importance to your readers and the industry to be informed. I have enclosed the letter for your use.
Jerrold Don Pedigo
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association
September 22, 2006
Mr. Neal Holland
P.O. Box 1947
Decatur, Alabama 35602
Dear Neal:
First I want to apologize for being so long in responding to your letter. The afternoon I opened and read your letter was the day before I left with my family to go on vacation that had been planned for some time. Upon returning, I informed our committee of the letter and request. This was just prior to The Celebration and realizing that both committees had several individuals that had commitments to participate in one way or another it seemed impractical to try and arrange a meeting till after The Celebration; however, given the event surrounding The Celebration, we were overwhelmed with calls and request for information. Things have now slowed down to some degree and we are prepared to try and arrange a date in the near future to meet with group.
Please provide me with two to three dates that would be available to your committee and I will see if they will work.
Jerrold Don Pedigo