In light of rumors in person and on industry chat sites that Celebration and SHOW CEO Dr. Doyle Meadows is resigning, Dr. Meadows has personally committed his support in his role to the Celebration and SHOW Board of Directors today.  Meadows is steadfast in his commitment to continue his work to bring stability to the Walking Horse Industry.

“I am 100% committed to the Celebration and Walking Horse industry as we go through these trying times,” said Meadows.  “We have a lot of work to do and have only begun the process of moving SHOW over to an independent board,” concluded Meadows.  “Initially I signed on to manage the World’s Greatest Horse Show, but during this process, we have assumed another very important role in overseeing the inspection and enforcement protocol of the Horse Protection Act.  I view this as a critical piece of restoring the Walking Horse industry to the revered status that it deserves.” 

“Dr. Meadows has given us his commitment as well as our Advisory Committee this morning that he is committed to our initiatives to lead the industry into the future,” said Celebration Chairman Charles McDonald.