As part of the The Midwest Walking Horse Trainers' Association (MWHTA) mission, members will be hosting an educational HPA compliance, inspection, and related horse training seminar, conducted by SHOW officials, Saturday July 10th, beginning at 12:00 noon with a BBQ lunch. All Walking Horse and Fox Trot Horse owners, trainers, show exhibitors, and enthusiasts; gaited horse show chairpersons and saddle club members; gaited judges; farriers; licensed DQPs; and others, are invited and highly encouraged to attend.
The seminar will be held at the 4-J Land and Cattle Co.-Laughlin family horse barn and facility in Waynesville, MO.(Directions can be emailed if needed.). Seminar will be held rain or shine-large open training facility is indoors.
You are encouraged to bring horses for this seminar, and any questions you might have about HPA compliance, related training issues, etc.
Please join us for lunch, fellowship, and this informative seminar. Please let us know you are coming so we prepare enough food-special BBQ smoked meat is being prepared by one of our associate members. RSVP your attendance by Wednesday, July 7th, by emailing or by calling 417-860-7681.
There is no cost for this seminar, however, donations will be accepted to cover the cost of food and furthering the mission of the MWHTA that includes education, scholarship, trainer benefits, youth programs, fair and fun horse shows, and overall promoting the Walking Horse breed.