Editor’s Note: This is a copy of the Celebration’s proposed plan for governance of the National Horse Show Commission.
The National Horse Show Commission (NHSC) Governing Council would be established, primarily, to provide management and direction regarding all NHSC activities that fall within the parameters of the Horse Protection Act and related regulations while giving counsel to all aspects of the NHSC. This council would be charged with providing the public, other regulatory authorities, and interest groups that the NHSC is giving the best possible service, within its charter, to protect the health, safety, and well being of our horses.
The primary goals of the NHSC Governing Council are to make sure only clean, sound horses are presented at NHSC-sanctioned events and to improve the quality of life, safety, and public perception of these wonderful animals and that all actions taken by the NHSC are applied in a fair and consistent manner.
In addition, another goal of the NHSC Governing Council will be to instill confidence in every exhibitor, trainer, and owner that they have been treated fairly and receive consistent, objective inspections each and every time they present a horse to an NHSC Designated Qualified Person (DQP).
It will also be the objective of this group to forge the best of working relationships among United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Veterinary Medical Officers (VMO), Designated Qualified Person (DQP’s), trainers and exhibitors.
The NHSC Governing Council will always strive to expand its thinking and find new and/or improved methods regarding the care, training, and presentation of horses and for generating a positive public perception of the horse.
An immediate action plan should include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Institute Drug Program
- Pull shoes on flat shod horses when appropriate
- Use hoof testers on flat shod horses
- Prohibit use of needles on grounds except by veterinarians
- Allow and encourage DQP’s to roam barn area
The NHSC Governing Council would consist of seven individuals serving to provide added consistency, wisdom, and vision to the NHSC. The appointments of membership on the Council shall be broken down in the following manner:
(a) Three (3) representatives from the TWHNCsm.
(b) Two (2) independent representatives.
(c) Two (2) industry representatives.
A suggested management chart as follows:
7 Member Board to Oversee All Operations
Executive Director
Trainers Director DQP Show Compliance
Advisory of Judges Director Management Committee
Group Advisory
The NHSC Governing Council would meet quarterly, or as needed.