Tracy Pinson and her wonderful stallion, Skyjacker’s Mountain High, headed to North Carolina on May 2 and 3, 2009, to compete in the Craig Cameron Extreme Cowboy Race. Pinson and her Tennessee Walking Horse rocked the cowboy racing world.
The competition consisted of a preliminary, semi-final and final heat. In the preliminary heat, Pinson and “Tuff” (as he is affectionately known) were a bit anxious competing against experienced competitors and their Quarter Horses. After completing a run through the six-foot deep trench, crossing the cowboy three-step, including a jump down of nearly four feet, Pinson entered the deep-water crossing. No one knew that three feet past the marker there was a deep drop off. Pinson guided Tuff back to footing where they made their way to shore, much to everyone’s shock and amazement, they continued on the race unphased. The race, judged on both speed and horsemanship, saw Pinson and Tuff coming in fifth in the preliminary event.
The semi-finals were an amazing performance of walking horse artistry. Pinson began the race by going through a three-foot wide chute filled with trash and debris that was 15 feet long. They then performed a rocking chair canter, achieving flying lead changes perfectly through the serpentine course and continued through the course with jumps, teetering bridges, water crossings and climbing moguls. Pinson and Tuff again wowed the judges and spectators.
The finals were more tightly packed but Tuff’s quiet ground tie while blind folded demonstrated his complete trust in Pinson. Continuing this course with a four-foot jump up on the platform and ending with a spectacular gallop to the finish, Pinson once again took home top honors in yet another competition. This just proved that the walking horse really is a versatile horse.
Pinson and Tuff have already completed their Supreme Versatility Honors and continue to compete in rail, model and versatility classes. Their newest interest is the extreme trail obstacle events where their goal is to show other breeds that a walking horses can do anything and do it smoothly.
Obviously, as with everything else they have tackled thus far, they have excelled. Once again, the wonderful walking horse has proven to be the best at everything they undertake.