Be Thankful...An Offer A Prayer

Yes, it has been a difficult week weather-wise to show horses but we are so blessed compared to our neighbors and friends on the Gulf Coast. Words cannot adequately reflect the magnitude of this tragedy named Katrina but we can all bow our heads in prayer for those millions of our fellow citizens and the suffering they are being forced to endure.


Working Together

On the local front, the challenge of the weather and early show problems in the inspection area have brought this industry closer together in a common cause of having a great championship horse show. Everyone from show officials, trainers, exhibitors, owners and others connected to the show in a myriad of ways has stepped up to do more than their part. It is just that type of cooperation and attitude that we need to take out of this show and confront and solve the problems this industry now faces on many fronts. In the coming weeks and months there will be countless discussions and meetings and hopefully a comprehensive, long-term plan for the future growth and prosperity of this industry will be formulated and supported.


Thanks Majority Leader Bill Frist

Tennessee Senator and the Majority Leader of the United States Senate Bill Frist will be coming to the Celebration Saturday and will present the roses in the World Grand Championship class. The Senator will meet with the industry and the USDA in our continuing effort to eliminate unsound horses and to come up with an inspection process that is consistent, fair and effective.

During the show, he will tour the inspection area and the Celebration grounds and be available to meet as many people as possible. Later that evening, he will crown the 2005 World Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Horse.

Senator Frist is cutting short his vacation in Maine to make this trip and will travel on to Washington after the show. We appreciate his attention and concern.


16 Tons!

Remember the old song “16 Tons” ... well add a zero to that number and you have some idea of the magnitude of work done to prepare the Celebration ring for Tuesday night's competition.

The Celebration crew, under the sweat and direction of Wade Adams, removed approximately 160 tons of quarterdown from the track and replaced it with 160 tons of fresh, dry quarterdown. The track Tuesday was excellent.

Wade and his crew had to grade down and remove eight to 10 inches to reach dry quarterdown after the soaking rains of Katrina. That was hauled away and new quarterdown was brought in and packed to the desired consistency for the horses showing that evening.

And all of this was accomplished between 1:00 PM Tuesday and show time -- a real testimony to the hard work and ability of the Celebration ground crew.

Thanks you guys for a job well done!



A number of people have asked how horses get in a workout at The Celebration. It is really a rather simple process -- each judge selects eight horses and turns his card into center ring. The results are tabulated and any horse that appears on three of the five cards is placed in the workout.

The horses not selected for the workout return to the rail for additional work and any judge can call additional horses in to join those previously selected. This typically results in approximately 15 horses being in the workout.

*********************************************************************************************************************** >p>About My Picture

I have endured several snide remarks since my picture appeared above my editorial earlier in the show. I did not select the picture and it is not as outdated as some have said. I did promote the graphic artist who found it in the archives.

Actually, when I went in for my second back surgery in June I figured I might as well get my money's worth and throw in a facelift. Since insurance wouldn't cover a plastic surgeon, I just told the neurologist to give it its best shot.

Well, it worked for a while!


T Shirts and Bumper Stickers

The more people I know, the more I like my horses.

The early bird still has to eat worms.

A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.