The Saddle Up! 2010 Avenue Bank Country Ride ‘N Roll offers open trail riding on some of the most scenic trails in Middle Tennessee, hayrides, roping demonstrations, stick horse races, ponies for petting and games for the whole family. Trail riders must furnish their own horses and proof of negative Coggins.
The event benefits Saddle Up!, the region’s oldest and largest recreational therapeutic horseback riding program serving children and youth disabilities.
Trail riding and activities will be from 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m. on Saturday, September 18, 2010 at Duke It Out Farm, 4105 Columbia Pike, Franklin, Tenn. Duke It Out Farm is a beautiful 300 acres private farm opened to the public once a year for this event.
Riders, non-riders, families and supporters of Saddle Up! are invited to join the fun and support this great organization! A $50.00 minimum for individuals or $100 for families (children under 12 free) in donations or sponsorships required for participation. Fee includes trail ride, activities, t-shirt aned lunch. Registration is available online at