The SHOW HIO hosted its annual Judges’ Seminar on February 15th at The Celebration. The course serves as a refresher for those with their license as well as training for those seeking new licenses. The clinic is organized by the SHOW Judges’ Committee which is currently chaired by Sam Sorrell. Other members of the committee include Chris Bobo, Nathan Clark, David Sisk and Bill Stricklend.

The course opened with a welcome and moved to videos shown of each division of the pleasure division as well as the performance division. A major focus on judging remains on the standards for each division of the pleasure horse, including the differences in English and Western divisions.

There were 68 attendees at the course which included both new and returning applicants. There were 24 additional people that signed up that did not attend and will be able to attend the makeup class, which is tentatively scheduled to be held on Saturday, March 21 at 1:00 pm. 

Committee Chairman Sorrell was pleased with the training stating, “Several told us that the session was informative and the video and discussion worked well.  Everyone had the opportunity to ask questions about each division and we informed the applicants that we hoped to have more close up and in depth video sessions next year.”