After conference calls and other communication held over the last three weeks the SHOW judges committee will be implementing upgrades and updates designed to improve the standards and consistency of what is already the premier list of judges within the walking horse industry. These plans will vary from immediate implementation to some taking place over the next six months.
Those taking place immediately include a review and update of the standards charts for the different divisions. Created in 2010, the charts have again been given to every licensed judge for review, comment, and amendment if advantageous. After 5 years of in the field usage the committee felt it was time for a review. The additional benefit is to gain even more consistency across the board in evaluating competing entries. Click here to go to and familiarize yourself with the standards charts.
Where feasible, videoing of horse shows from the judges position in the ring is being reinstituted. The committee has purchased six cameras with 8 hour battery life to facilitate this initiative. The cameras will be delivered, set up, and returned by DQP’s working individual shows. This will be done at no expense to show management.
Hiring of show observers is a potential opportunity moving forward as well. The use of knowledgeable non conflicted individuals will be utilized in giving evaluation and feedback on protocols and management of classes. Identifying these observers and defining job descriptions is currently underway.
Please feel free to complete and send in a Judge Evaluation form to let us know how our judges are doing. Evaluation forms can be found here:
It has been four years since a formal all day judges seminar has taken place. Although conference calls and emails are effective, the desire is to have a hands on group conference scheduled or conducted by the end of the calendar year whereby all the judges can attend and take part in the sharing of ideas and experiences. Again the desire is to further increase consistency and the quality of officiating being done by this talented group.
Finally, if you have a suggestion or comment the committee asks that you email your thoughts or ideas to Rachel Reed at
[email protected] and your email will be forwarded to the committee.