The latest and newest way to advertise your contender for this season is with The Walking Horse Report's Show Ring Stars section that is online! The rotating ads that are located on the home page of the site feature our show ring stars, world champions and stallion advertisers. These ads are "clickable" and pull up full size in color and with motion. If you visit the Show Ring Stars section from the home page you will also see that these ads are linked to you or your horse's show record, whatever your preference. Therefore, when you view your show results, under your horses' names it will read "View Our Ad Here" and link to your Show Ring Stars ad.

This is a great and economical way to advertise your horse all year long! The cost is $250 for the entire 12 month period! If you interested in more information contact Kasi Hensley at 931-684-8123 or [email protected].

Click Here to view all the Show Ring Stars!