The SMWHA will honor two young equestrians at the Smoky Mountain Classic Horse Show in Harriman on Saturday June 14, 2014, with a $500 scholarship award each. The scholarship recipients are Boone Smith and Mason Woody.
Boone Smith is the son of Kenny and Tracy Smith of Knoxville, Tenn. He is a freshman at Mississippi State University. His goal is to major in Mechanical Engineering. He has always chosen the more rigorous courses available including Advanced Placement and international Baccalaureate courses. He is a dedicated and diligent student; his work ethic has enabled him to be successful in these challenging courses. In addition to maintaining a high scholastic average throughout his academic career, he has been active in community service, sports, club activities and work outside of the classroom. Boone has been showing Tennessee Walking Horses since he was seven and has won many awards. He spends a a lot of time with his grandfather working around the barn, training and ridings.
Mason Woody is the son of Randall and Amy Woody of Kingston, Tenn. He will be a senior at Midway High School and plans to participate in the dual enrollment opportunity for seniors to leave campus and attend Roane State Community College in Harriman. His career goal is undecided at this time but wants to be involved in a career that helps to change lives. In addition to maintaining a high scholastic average throughout his academic career, he has been a leader in athletics and club activities. Mason has been showing Tennessee Walking Horses since he was very young and has won many ribbons. He loves to help his grandparents get their horses ready for shows and enjoys trail riding with family and friends. He currently owns one horse and helps care for four more.
The SMWHA and the walking horse community at large wish these two young men a world of success as they continue their educations and pursue their chosen professions.