Editor's Note: The following letter was received by the SHOW HIO from Russ Thompson, walking horse trainer from California, regarding the Judges' Applicant School held February 12-13, 2010 in Lynchburg, Tenn.
P.O. Box 167
Shelbyville, TN 37162 2/16/10
To all concerned,
I have had the honor of holding a judges license for my entire career of thirty plus years. I have been to many and all refresher courses and I have to say that this course held on February 12 and 13, 2010 was for me, by far the very best.
The amount of time, effort, and information that went into this forum was very apparent. I thought each Chair Person presented their individual assignment in a superb manner.
I felt our discussion was very good. I do realize that I am known for asking long and drawn out questions, but I believe this happens because I hear a lot of talk but not many questions actually answered. Not in this case. When I go to a meeting and my questions are as short as they were this time that tells me my thoughts were answered completely. But, I also felt when it came to the point where we began asking questions everyone had good questions and if someone could not come up with an answer, notes were taken; the question was acknowledged and taken into consideration for an answer to be found and addressed.
I also have to say that it is always inspiring to listen to Dr. Meadows and Dr. Mullins due to the amount of education, knowledge and outlook they have for the future. Whether we agree or disagree, we must respect and admire people with this caliber of education and outlook as it is a benefit to all of us.
I commend you all for a very good clinic and a job well done by all, Dr. Meadows, Dr. Mullins, Rollie Beard, Tony Edwards, Rachel Reed, and speakers Jamie Hankins, Nicole Carswell, Leigh Bennett and Bobby Richards.
Russ Thompson