Editor's Note: The following letter was sent to the Walking Horse Report by newly elected TWHBEA President Marty Irby.
December 8, 2010
Dear Members:
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for the confidence you have placed in me as President. I am honored and grateful beyond words. I pledge to work tirelessly to build our association into an entity our industry has never seen before, to grow our membership to a number beyond its peak, and to always promote and protect our great Tennessee Walking Horse!
The dawn of a new day is upon us. Now is the time to set our past differences aside for the betterment of this great breed, and to create a new beginning for the future. Our 2011 Executive Committee has decided to move forward with a strategic planning session scheduled for January 8, 2011 at 1:30 PM. The session is open to all members and will be held at the association headquarters in Lewisburg. I invite each of you to attend and voice your opinion of where we are, where we are going, and what action we must take to secure a successful future.
In the letter I addressed you the morning of the election I stated I could not "sit back and watch history repeat itself again!" Therefore, as my first order of business I have invited each living Past President to meet with me on January 6, 2011 for a round table discussion so that I may learn the mistakes and successes of their Presidency and to advise me of their opinions of where we are headed.
George Washington once said "If we cannot learn wisdom from experience, it is hard to say where it is to be found." Our Past Presidents hold a wealth of knowledge, and have been tremendously underutilized in recent years.
Those living Past Presidents are as follows:
Mr. Jamie Etheredge (1975-1976) Mr. Bob Parks (1993-1994)
Mr. Charles Bobo (1983-1984) Mr. Steve Smith (1995-1997)
Mr. Bill Harlin (1984-1986)(1992-1993) Mr. Jim Welch (2000-2001)
Mr. Steve Beech (1987-1989) Mr. Robert Thomas (2001-2003)
Mr. Charles Gleghorn (1989-1991) Mr. Jerold Pedigo (2004-2007)
Mr. Walt Chism (1991-1992) Mr. David Pruett (2007-2010)
During our meeting I will extend an open invitation to each of these gentlemen to become part of an advisory board to our 2011 Executive Committee. We should all encourage them to become more actively involved and I truly believe their knowledge and abilities will play a tremendous role in planning the future of TWHBEA. I am thankful to have so many great men as a resource and to have such a fine Executive Committee for 2011.
As members, you have all invested your time, finances, heart, faith, and families into this great breed. I will not allow your efforts to be in vain and will do whatever it takes to ensure that our association and breed continues on for generations to come. Again, I encourage each and every member to attend the Strategic Planning Session and spend the time contemplating what TWHBEA offers you now, and what it may offer you in the future!
All the best,
Marty Irby, President