Fee Changes Approved by TWHBEA International Board of Directors
Effective Date: August 1, 2014

1. Stallion Breeding Report Fee
 Members will now be required to pay $25 per stallion to file a stallion breeding report and non-members will pay $100 per stallion.

2. Not in Order Fee:  $20

3. Same Day Service Fee:  $50  (Must be received in office by 10:00 A.M. CST)

4. DNA Conversion Kit Fees:  Non-Members:  $100 (raised from $40)
5. DNA Replacement Kit Fees:  Members:  $10 (raised from $5)

6. Eliminate Associate Membership and First Time Membership Categories

7. Amnesty Period for Registration & Transfer Fees
 Reset all late registration and transfer fees on June 1, 2014.  Applies to this year only and will allow for late paperwork to be caught up before new membership term goes into effect on January 1, 2015.

8. Photo listed on IPEDS
 $25 per picture (as technology allows)