TWHBEA is committed to supporting and promoting all disciplines of the Tennessee Walking Horse throughout the United States and Internationally. To this end we are designing an industry wide High Point Program that will be unveiled in the near future and it will be aimed at the Show Horse, Versatility Horse and Trail Pleasure Horse. Monetary rewards and industry recognition are being considered as a means to promote this program.
TWHBEA would like to expand all disciplines of the show horse, and we will not be limited by regional boundaries in this expansion. We are committed to overcoming negative stereotyping of our show horse and special emphasis will be put on marketing the Performance Show Horse in parts of the country where it has lost its presence.
TWHBEA recognizes the role and importance WHOA & WHTA play in the industry. Indeed, we are colleagues with overlapping membership. We look forward to further dialogue with the NHSC, WHOA, WHTA and other HIOs to promote the growth of our breed. We are available to assist HIO and state organizations in sundry ways.
In any time of transition we realize there are many questions and concerns. We will try to address questions as they arise.