“At the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association (TWHBEA) we continue to be steadfast in our support of the development of scientific tests that are 100% accurate to detect the show horses of our breed that have been humanely trained from those that have not; and to identify and isolate the violators without impacting those that show Tennessee Walking Horse(s)™ humanely under the law.

This new ruling will have an unintended and detrimental impact to the horse industry of all breeds. TWHBEA® asks that USDA recognize our breed’s greatest asset: the owners, trainers, and breeders dedicated to fair competition. These new rules will affect them more than the violators that these rules are written to eliminate.

TWHBEA® will continue to stay informed, and be supportive, of all efforts to change or eliminate these current rules ‘as they are written’ and offer suggestions on effective changes that would achieve the same goal; which is to allow only the showing of humanely trained horses and to promote fair competition."

David W. Williams