Recently, the TWHBEA Executive Committee voted to reset the late fees clock on first-time foal registrations and transfers beginning June 1 and ending December 31, 2014.
Those members with late paperwork can catch up at reduced rates. For example, first-time foal registrations between now and the end of November will remain $40 for members. This is the normal member rate for a foal registered within 6 months of foaling. For the month of December, the member rate increases to $70, which is the fee if registered after 6 months but within 12 months.
Transfers, on the other hand, will continue to increase at the normal rate using June 1, 2014 as the new starting point. Old transfers paid in the month of June were charged at the minimum member rate of $40 (considered recorded within 30 days from purchase date). After 30 days but within 120 days (July 1 through September 30), transfers for members will increase to $70. After 120 days but within 180 days (October 1 through November 30), the transfer fee for members increases to $100. December will be considered after 6 months from purchase date, and the member fee increases to $130.
Please note that these fees are for out-of-date registrations and transfers only, and this offer expires on December 31, 2014.