(Copyright 2006, WHR) The Walking Horse Report has learned that Ron Thomas has placed at least four more people on probation for their actions during the recently completed Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. Reliable sources report that six people received letters late last week but The Report has been unable to confirm that number.
Letters of probation were sent to Kenny Compton, Russ Thompson and Jason Hughes for riding their horses in Champions Arena after the last class was cancelled. Additionally Jimmy McConnell was placed on probation for his actions in the inspection area on the first Friday night.
The Report has been informed by Celebration officials that there will not be a press release issued or the letters made public. When contacted by phone, Thomas would not confirm the number or length of the suspensions and said he would have no comment on the matter.
The Report was sent a copy of the letter from Thomas by one of the individuals sanctioned and it called for a one year probation.
The Report was informed on October 13 that Jamey Thompson, son of Russ Thompson, has also received a letter from the Celebration. We will update you as more information becomes available.