The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association (TWHBEA) would like to take this opportunity to clarify the position of the Voice magazine regarding the September 2010 issue. From its inception, this issue was planned as a special, promotional piece of literature specifically for the International Equestrian Festival. Initially, it was going to be produced as a special issue only for this event, with no mailing to our members. It was not even going to be designated as the September issue of the Voice, as the Voice has not produced a separate September issue since 2006. However, it was decided that the content of the issue was of a quality that would be enjoyed by the membership so the decision was made to mail the issue to the membership. Due to various postal regulations and in order to be as cost effective as possible, the decision was made to designate the issue as the September issue of the Voice. While these decisions were made, the purpose of the issue as a promotional tool remained the same. This is reflected by the actual title of the issue “Tennessee Walking Horse Special Edition.”

It was never the intent of the Voice or TWHBEA to prevent any horses from appearing in this issue. The intent was to produce a special issue supported primarily through corporate and breeding farm advertisements. It was felt that these advertisers would have the most to gain through appearing in an issue designed for the International Equestrian Festival, which will attract visitors from around the world. The issue does feature the performance horse, as well as all other facets of the breed, both in editorial copy and in advertisements. It provides a complete picture of our great breed and it will go far in educating an under-informed and sometimes misinformed public. It is truly a tragedy that an internal misunderstanding led to the Tennessee Walking Horse community being misinformed about the content and intent of this issue and we sincerely apologize for this.

The Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse magazine is the official breed journal for the Tennessee Walking Horse and, as such, fully supports all facets of this great breed. As is tradition, the October issue will serve as the wrap-up for the National Futurity and Celebration. It promises to be a great issue that celebrates the beauty and grace that is the show Tennessee Walking Horse. We would invite you to be part of this issue. If you would like to do so, you may reserve advertising space by calling 931-359-0591 or 931-359-0593. Thank you for your continuing support as we strive to promote this great breed.