As we reflect on the past 30 years, the auxiliary is proud to be a part of the "Walking Horse industry". Since our creation on May 21, 1971, our organization have continued to grow…and 30 years later we are still serving.
This year (2001) has been a year for celebration. We began the year with a set of 10 goals…and I am pleased to share that all have been accomplished.
(1) To increase membership by 20%…actually expanded by 30%
(2) (2) To improve productivity and involvement of active membership…recruited new workers to help with approved projects.
(3) To celebrate our 30th anniversary for being spotlighted in the Celebration Museum…showing began in Jan., 2002 and continued until 12/30/01. Many of our historical items were on display.
(4) To plan and implement a 30th Anniversary Gala….the Las Vegas Casino and Musical Show was held during the Trainer's Banquet. Everyone enjoyed this fun-filled weekend.
(5) To publish a directory…Dabora, Inc. printed the Directory. We appreciate the generous donation…Special thanks to Christy Parsons.
(6) To submit monthly articles to the Report to be placed in our "Women At Work" section….this has proven to be a wonderful way to share with the industry. The great "works" of the Auxiliary. Christy Parsons has been an outstanding advocate for the Auxiliary. We appreciate her support!
(7) To review, update, and get approved amended by laws…the following by-law changes were approved March 24, 2001:
Article V. Section 2 - "Annual membership dues for the Auxiliary shall be in the amount deemed necessary and voted on by a two-thirds majority of active members attending the meeting. The deadline for payment of dues shall be Jan. 1 per old members and May 1 for new (never been) members." (Membership will increase to $30 Jan 1, 2002.)
Article III, Section 4 (Officers) - "2nd Vice President shall be responsible for horse show sponsorships."
Article V, Section 2 (Eligibility) - "Old Members (previous year): (1) Must attend at least one meeting for the previous year (2) Must work on at least one project for the previous year. (3)Must pay Auxiliary dues by Jan. 1 each year. (No old member will be eligible to show if dues are not paid by Jan. 1)." "New Members: (1) Must attend a meeting prior to showing (2) Must work on one project prior to showing (3) Must pay Auxiliary dues by May 1. of that year prior to showing (After May 1st deadline, NO NEW member is eligible to show that year.)(Note: You are only a new member one time.)
(8) To publish and enhance our quarterly newsletter….received many positive comments about our new professional look. Many thanks to Mark Farrar for all his help.
(9) To secure a website for the Auxiliary…we partnered with the Trainer's Association and David Pruett developed and created a joint website. [Visit us at] Thank You, David!
(10) To update our Auxiliary shirt…and how pretty it is. These can be purchased: members: $15, non-members $20. Thank You, Jeff Howard
Our 2001 projects have all been successful…
(A) Annual Moneytree Classic Horse Show
(B) Scholarship…-More entries than ever. Congratulations to: (1) Kelly Elizabeth Gladney - $3500 (2) Victor Gernt III - $2500 (3) Megan Allen - $1500
(C) Celebration Dog Show - 98 entries
(D) WHOO - Six organizations awarded funding
(E) Fun Show Silent Auction - a major money maker.
(F) Get the Habit - Excellent resource for the Walking Horse Industry
(G) Mud Slide Slim - outstanding breeding opportunity. (Thanks Patti & Tim)
(H) Plus others Congratulations to…
(1) Christy Prsons…our newest honorary member
(2) Paige Edwards…won the "Man Of Pride" Auxiliary award for her Celebration victory
(3) Candy Green…Gold - Aux. Hi Pt. Winner; Joyce Marie Green…Silver - Aux. Hi Pt. Winner; Beth Young…Bronze - Aux. Hi Pt. Winner
(4) Jaclyn Harney…Equitation Adult winner; Theresa Carpinito…Reserve winner
(5) Catherine Simpson…Equitation Youth winner; Emma Renee Jones…Reserve winner
(6) Dee Cantrell…Member Of The Year
A big "Thank You" to the Celebration, Inc. for creating a special decorative landmark for the Auxiliary. Many attendees of the 2001 Celebration made good use of the nice benches in the paved garden area. The Walking Horse Trainers Association will further enhance this site by adding lamp post lights.
We appreciate the Trainers Association for this generous gift in honor of our 3oth Anniversary.
This has been an exciting and productive year for our association. My sincere thanks to the officers and project chairs for their dedication and hard work…for their efforts have afforded us to build on a solid funding base…and this budget security will carry us into the future.
It has been an honor and pleasure to serve as the 2001 President. I have a passion about serving this industry.
Congratulations to our 2002 officers: Pres. - Dee Contrell; 1st VP - Ashlea Wheelon; 2nd VP - Beth Young; Sec - Heidi LeGate and Treasurer - Freda Dean.
As we enter a new year…There are numerous opportunities for us. The Auxiliary will build on our solid foundation and move forward.
I, personally, want each member to know how much I appreciate the "Member of the Year" award. This honor is so special because the vote comes from the members. I look forward to working again with the industry at large in moving the Auxiliary toward their multiple goals.
I leave you with one last thought. The world changed Sept. 11, 2002…And it will never be the same. Take time to love and give thanks to others…especially your family. Whether you're a parent, child, neighbor, friend, teacher, or community leader…Take the time to express your thanks to those who have positively impacted your life. Better yet write a letter to thank someone who has made a difference in your life.
Happy New Year,
Dee Cantrell, President, 2001-2002