WHOA Holds Final Board Meeting Of 2010
By Jeffrey Howard
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – President Frank Neal welcomed those in attendance for the final time in 2010 as the Walking Horse Owners’ Association conducted its final board of directors meeting in 2010. “It has been an eventful year and continues to be,” said Neal.
Financially, WHOA is in a position where many industry organizations find themselves. WHOA is indebted to Miller Coliseum and Middle Tennessee State University for approximately $25,000 and to the bank for another $12,500 and other miscellaneous debts which bring the total to around $50,000. At this point, WHOA does not have the funds to cover these outstanding debts.
Several board members asked if the board members themselves were personally liable in any way for this debt and Neal said it was highly unlikely that any board member would be held personally liable. The board does carry insurance and unless gross negligence has been practiced by the board members in building up these debts then they would not have any personally liability according to Neal.
Membership applications are about to go out and that will bring in an influx of monies to the association and approximately $30,000 have already been promised for 2011.
The WHOA convention will be held February 11-12, 2011 at the James Union Building on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tenn. The format for the two nights will be the same as in previous years.
The major order of business for the meeting was the approval of an agreement to send to the SHOW HIO to partner with them on affiliations and in turn have SHOW require its amateur exhibitors to hold WHOA issued amateur cards. In 2010, SHOW did not require amateur cards for its exhibitors.
The agreement WHOA voted unanimously to send to SHOW’s board for approval is as follows:
WHOA is a national organization and has the staff, facilities, knowledge and ability to accommodate all aspects of the Walking Horse industry. WHOA supports the efforts of SHOW and industry groups whose intent are to only allow compliant horses to show and noncompliant horses to be eliminated from competition. WHOA endorses and supports the efforts that SHOW has made in this endeavor. In the spirit of cooperation and unity WHOA feels strongly a need to work with these groups within the Walking Horse industry. In exchange for SHOW requiring WHOA membership/amateur cards for anyone showing at a SHOW HIO show, WHOA will agree to the following:
1. WHOA will collect and administer the WHOA membership/amateur cards and help with collection of SHOW Horse cards. All SHOW affiliated shows must have WHOA membership/amateur cards.
2011 Annual Membership Fees
Regular Membership/Amateur card $ 60.00
Family Membership/Amateur cards $100.00
(2 adults & children 17 & under within the same household)
Youth Membership/Youth Card $ 20.00
2. WHOA will furnish staff to review all applicants for WHOA membership/amateur cards and determine their eligibility using SHOW's criteria and rules for amateur status.
3. WHOA will furnish staff to keep records and information on applicants and will furnish a Review Committee available for appeals of anyone denied a WHOA card, as long as adequate membership/amateur cards are sold to provide this service.
4. WHOA will affiliate all WHOA horse shows with the SHOW HIO.
1. If SHOW HIO is not accepted for the Kentucky Keeps Program Horse Shows, WHOA will be allowed to affiliate with their choice of approved HIO.
2. In outlining areas if SHOW does not have DQP's available and the cost too expensive for DQP's an agreement shall be made between Dr. Mullins and Tommy Hall for WHOA to affiliate with other HIO's.
5. WHOA will advertise and promote the SHOW Horse Card to its members via newsletters, mass e-mails and other advertising opportunities. It is SHOW's responsibility to keep record of the SHOW cards. Annual SHOW cards will be required at all WHOA shows which are affiliated with SHOW. WHOA would ask for special affiliated shows (*) to be inspected for $10 per horse, per day.
*Outlying area shows, such as Wisconsin, Florida and other shows, such as Versatility in various locations.
*This will be between 20 to 30 shows per year
* It is agreed that SHOW will not incur any out of pocket expense for these special affiliated shows, but it is SHOW's responsibility to assign the closest DQP available.
* Dr. Mullins and Tommy Hall will agree as to which shows are special affiliated shows.
6. Should WHOA HIO need to affiliate a show to keep certification, WHOA will agree to use SHOW DQP's and Judges. WHOA will be able to request DQP's and Judges which will be assigned by the WHOA office.
7. WHOA will continue the National High Point Program for their owners and will count only affiliated shows.
8. WHOA will continue to educate owners of their responsibilities and will work with SHOW on any owner educational forums.
9. WHOA will help Show promotion and work with show management and managers on SHOW's behalf.
10. WHOA will work with SHOW in regards to development, participation and feedback regarding the SHOW Rule Book and judging panel.
11. WHOA and SHOW will work together on affiliating horse shows throughout the country.
12. WHOA will send out SHOW Horse card renewal applications with WHOA membership renewals. WHOA will also have SHOW Horse card application forms on WHOA's web page.
WHOA wants to continue showing unity and will work together with SHOW and not in competition with SHOW.
This agreement will automatically renew each year subject to approval by both parties’ board.
In the meeting, WHOA agreed to include the Academy cards which are $20 for youth and $30 for adults.
Also, the nominations for the 2011 WHOA board were announced. The following have been nominated to serve a three-year term.
Herschel Blessing – Tennessee
Darden Gladney – Louisiana
Phyllis Langley – Idaho
Judy Martin – Tennessee
George Ann Pratt – Tennessee
Kathy Zeis – Georgia
The nominating committee nominated Kim Bennett from Alvaton, Kentucky to serve as President in 2011.