The Walking Horse Owners' Association has announced a new Versatility/Pleasure Horse Show in conjunction with the 80th Annual Mississippi Charity Horse Show in Jackson, MS.
The Show will be held Saturday April 3, 2010 at 12:00 noon. Seventeen classes will be offered for Model, Country Pleasure, Trail Pleasure, Lite Shod, and Classic Park. Exhibitors must be a current WHOA member or hold a valid Trainer's license to show at WHOA events.
WHOA is hoping to increase participation for the Mississippi Charity HorseShow by promoting a Saturday afternoon pleasure Show. The Mississippi Charity Horse Show has also added a total of 17 pleasure classes during its evening sessions to encourage participation in all divisions. The Mississippi Charity Horse Show supports the Blair E. Batson Children'sHospital and does a great job raising money for this wonderful charity.
These shows are affiliated with SHOW, HIO.
For class schedules and information go to the events page at or