The Walking Horse Owners' Association and Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' & Exhibitors Association have joined forces to promote 1 day riding clinics across the country in 2010. Certified Riding Instructors will be on hand to give guidance with riding etiquette and general horsemanship. This is a great way to start off the season by polishing your riding skills or obtain knowledge from a Certified Riding Instructor. These events are open to riders of all ages and skill levels. Participants are encouraged to bring their own horse if possible. A limited number of lesson horses will be available for the MS & GA Clinics. The first 2010 WHOA -TWHBEA Day Riding Clinic will be held in Olive Branch, Mississippi at Edgar Abernathy Stables on February 27. Alice Klein will be the CRI for this clinic. The second clinic will be March 13 at Carl Edwards & Sons Stables in Dawson, GA. Barbara Civils will serve as CRI for the GA Clinic.
More clinics across the country are being discussed and will be announced as finalized. For clinic applications go to the events page at or For more information on these clinics contact Mark Taylor at 615-494-8824.