Go to bed!
We are continually amazed at the 24 hour utilization of our site - seems like some people never sleep. During the past week, the slowest hour of activity was from 2:00 AM till 3:00 AM and we still had 1,057 hits from 124 different registered users.
The busiest hour of the day for hits was 10:00 AM till 11:00 AM with 25,519 hits from 764 users; the busiest time for users was 7:00 PM till 10:00 PM when 971 registered users logged on and had 18,149 hits. Either sleep deprivation is a much more serious problem in this country or Walking Horse people just can't get enough of their favorite breed.
For the week, Walking Horse Report On Line continued it's strong growth with 333,282 hits from 14,406 different users. This averages out to 47,611 hits per day from 2,059 visitors. The average person spent 7 minutes and 50 seconds per visit.
Tha Nathan Mills controversy certainly added to the traffic with many people signing on to read the story and post their thoughts and comments in the discussion board section of the site. Also, the results from the International attracted a strong following.
Users continue to take advantage of the searchable feature of our results section to check the show ring records of their horses and those they have an interest in purchasing. This section will include over 200 horse shows this year to go along with 198 sets of show results posted in 2003 and 184 in 2002. Results go as far back as 1997 and are searchable by rider, owner or horses name.
We apprciate the growing interest in our site, particularly the message baords.