Attention WHTA Auxiliary members and those wanting to become members:
The deadline to pay your dues for 2011 is March 1. Please contact Heather Beard at or Marguerite Sims at to get your member information forms. Dues are $30 and must be paid by the deadline to be eligible to show. Please mail your dues to WHTA Auxiliary, P.O. Box 61, Shelbyville, TN 37162.
New members are eligible to show in 2011 if you pay your dues by March 1st and you work a project and attend a meeting. Old members are eligible to show in 2011 if your dues are paid by March 1, 2011 and you worked a project and attended a meeting in 2010. The meeting held during the Trainers’ Banquet in December 2010 counts as a 2011 meeting.
Anyone who is interested in supporting the Walking Horse industry is invited to join the Auxiliary, you do not have to be a trainers’ wife or family member to join. For more information about the WHTA Auxiliary please contact any officer. Their contact information and much more can be found at our website