The Walking Horse Trainers’ Auxiliary held their annual December meeting on Friday, December 10, 2021 in conjunction with the Walking Horse Trainers Association convention and banquet. During the meeting the ladies of the Auxiliary made plans for the upcoming year, including the Celebration Dog Show, the Trainers’ Show Silent Auction and the Money Tree Classic that will be held in July.
Officers for 2022 were elected and will be the same as they were in 2021. President is Sarah Smith; First Vice President is Susan Coleman; Second Vice President is Kari Tisma; Heather Beard is Secretary and Allison Becknell will once again be Treasurer.
As always at the December meeting, the Auxiliary voted to once again donate to various therapeutic riding programs that use walking horses in their programs. The group also voted to add a class for Auxiliary Members on Walking Horses to shows this year and this will in turn add another high point division to the Auxiliary awards given each year.
The Walking Horse Trainers’ Auxiliary is looking forward to 2022!