Copyright WHR 2006 - The Walking Horse Trainers Association voted unanimously today to endorse the ideas of the National Horse Protection Society. Tom Blankenship was on the agenda for the general membership meeting, but was unable to attend due to weather. WHTA President David Landrum informed the general membership that the Board of Directors voted unanimously to support the NHPS efforts. "We are behind them 100%," said Landrum.
In the general membership meeting, Wayne Abee made the motion to endorse the NHPS, seconded by Link Webb. The WHTA also unanimously voted to endorse this mission statement:
The Walking Horse Trainers Association, in an accountable, transparent, fair and balanced manner, will work to insure that only sound horses are allowed on the show grounds and exhibited at Tennessee Walking Horse Shows, and will provide for fair and equal treatment to all participants.
The motion to endorse this mission statement was made by Mack Motes and seconded by Wayne Abee.