The 2002 Walking Horse Trainers Association Nominating Committee is composed of Spencer Benedict, Chairman, Buist Carr and Mickey McCormick.
Anyone wishing his or her name be added as a candidate will need to notify the WHTA office no later than October 25, 2002 by certified mail or fax to the Association of his or her intent to run for an officer or directorship (please specify). Notice must reach the office no later than October 25, 2002.
A slate of officers and directors will be mailed around November 1. Positions available are President, First and Second Vice President and three (3) Directors.
Nominees may still be accepted from the floor at the December 6, 2002 meeting which will be held at the Franklin Marriott in Franklin, Tennessee.
Letters should be sent to the WHTA at P.O. Box 61, 109 C Noblitt Street, Shelbyville, TN 37162 (931) 684-5866 or fax (931) 684-5895.