Local Youth to Receive House Resolution for Outstanding Accomplishments in 2009
By: John Davis
Congratulations are in order for our very own Emma Krock of Mansfield, Ohio. Emma, 16, a member of numerous horse associations including: Mid-Ohio Walking Horse Association (MOWHA), Buckeye Walking Horse Association (BWHA), National Walking Horse Association (NWHA), Walking Horse Owner’s Assocation (WHOA), and Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association (TWHBEA) has been selected to be commended by The Ohio State House of Representatives with a House Resolution for her excellent performance in competition and her ranking in the National High Point programs. State Representative Margaret Ann Ruhl, 90th House District, has contacted the Krock family, proud parents Steve and Cindy along with Emma, to invite her to receive the Resolution during the House of Representatives session in Columbus, Ohio on March 17.
Emma and her mount Prides Striding Generator (Whiskey), a Pleasure Tennessee Walking Horse, will be part of the MOWHA, NWHA, and TWHBEA breed demonstration at the Equine Affaire on April 10, 2010 at the Ohio State Fairgrounds.
Emma started her riding career with lessons from a local walking horse owner where the family purchased their first horse. She took her horse, Smokey’s Rising Son, to now Mansfield trainer Jim Potter where she showed him for 5 years. She and Sonny have enjoyed a nice show career.
She also attended numerous opportunities to learn riding skills including TWHBEA Clinics from Nicole Carswell and others. However, the opportunity for Emma to buy Pride’s Striding Generator came in late 2008 and she knew he was a horse she really wanted to own.

Emma and Whiskey have had a stupendous first year together. They started the year off together at the MOWHA Spring Spectacular with a 6th Place in the Youth Specialty Championship Class, followed by 4th in the Ohio Classic Easy Gait Youth Specialty. Later in the summer, the team finished 2nd and 3rd in the Western Pleasure Youth Specialty and Open Easy Gait Youth Specialty Optional Tack respectively. In the same show, she finished 3rd in the Tennessee Walking Horse Pleasure Youth Optional Tack Canter Class. Traveling to Michigan for a chance to show off her horse, she and Whiskey took 1st Place in the Youth English Pleasure Championship Canter class at the Michigan State Championship and Futurity Show. Wrapping up the year at the MOWHA Fall Round Up the combination of Emma’s and Whiskey’s teamwork garnered them 1st Place in TWH Pleasure Youth Specialty, Pleasure Youth Specialty Championship, and Youth Easy Gait Specialty also taking a 3rd in the Youth Pleasure Optional Tack Canter class. These ten showings gave her the honor of being named Reserve Champion in the NWHA High Point Awards Program in the Youth Plantation 3 Gait, Reserve in the Walking Horse Report Non Specified Pleasure, third in the WHR Youth Non Specified Pleasure, Champion in the WHOA Youth Non Specified Pleasure, Reserve Champion in the WHOA Non Specified Pleasure divisions, and third in the TWHBEA Pleasure Senior Horse Go! Gelding Program.
Emma earned 17 blue ribbons this year. Her favorite shows from 2009 were the BWHA Summer Show in Medina, Ohio and the MOWHA Fall Round Up in Springfield, Ohio. With her shows this year, she achieved great heights in the local horse clubs. At the BWHA Banquet, she received Champion Juvenile Pleasure, Champion Easy Gait, Champion Versatility, Champion Trail Pleasure Youth, and Reserve Champion Trail Pleasure No Canter awards. The MOWHA Banquet showcased the most silver for her this year with Champion Trail Pleasure, Champion Trail Pleasure Western Specialty, Champion Trail Pleasure Youth, Champion Open Easy Gait English, Champion Open Easy Gait Western, Champion Open Easy Gait Optional Tack, Champion Open English Pleasure 2 Gait, Champion Open English Pleasure 3 Gait, Champion Open Equitation & Showmanship, Reserve Champion Trail Pleasure Amateur Owned and Trained Specialty, and Reserve Champion Open Easy Gait Pleasure Youth. Their overall MOWHA High Point winnings were in the Youth, Open Show, and Walking Horse divisions.
Needless to say, these two are the team to watch in 2010.
Join us here in Ohio at one of our many Walking Horse shows:
MOWHA Spring Spectacular April 24th in Hilliard, Ohio
BWHA Spring Fling May 14th & 15th in Jackson, Ohio
Ohio Youth/Amateur Show June 5th in Oregon, Ohio
The Ohio Classic June 25th & 26th in Springfield, Ohio
BWHA Summer Classic July 17th in Medina, Ohio
MOWHA Pleasure Trials August 21 in Hilliard, Ohio
The Ohio Celebration October 8th & 9th in Jackson, Ohio
MOWHA Fall Round Up October 29th & 30th in Springfield, Ohio.
See what’s going on in Ohio at www.mowhaonline.com or www.bwhaonline.com .